Under a “Simpson's” sky, Ron Visockis caught VIA F40PH-2 6428 speeding train #57 at Belleville, ON Nov 15-2010. Walter Pfefferle caught a couple of the rebuilt units when they visited the Beachville Ont are. Here is VIA 6403 in the early morning Sun on VIA 70 as it blew through Beachville Ontario on Nov. 8th Also VIA 6417 on 71 as it arrived in Woodstock Ont. on the Nov. 13th. Special VIA Express trains were tested in November: On November 16th: Train #67 operated a P42 coupled to 7 Renaissance cars. The train departed Montreal at 17:00 (regular schedule), and ran non-stop to Toronto union Station (Dorval and Oshawa will be skipped as well). At Toronto, Train 67 continued as normal to Aldershot (and Oakville). On November 23rd: Train #67 operated a P42 coupled to 4 LRC cars. Departed Montreal at regular scheduled departure time of 17:00 non-stop to Toronto Union Station. The train will depart Montreal at 1700 (regular schedule), and will run non-stop to Toronto union Station (Dorval and Oshawa will be skipped as well). At Toronto, Train 67 will continu as normal to Aldershot (and Oakville). Also, the newly refurbished HEP car was reported in a consist in the West in early November and will be in Montreal MMC sometime in Januray for marketing purposes. While visiting Toronto in late-October, Terry Muirhead took these photos from the Islington Ave. overpass of VIA's TMC. Note in his panoramic views of GO, ONR and VIA cars, there are also some Rocky Mountaineer coaches that have been moving from Vancouver on VIA #2 for the past few weeks for repaint in the newest RMR Paint Scheme. Canadian Rail & Collision & Refurbishment is doing the repaint. Shown are 2 RMR Coaches, 1 Gold Leaf Dome, & a Diner. Also in the foreground it #2's Equipment from this morning. Across from the VIA's TMC is GO's Willowbrook Main Facility, and six ex-GO F59PH's that have been retired from GO awaiting disposition.
VIA Vignettes:
Now being scrapped at VIA Montreal Maintenance Center following her severe wreck on the "Ocean" in 2009, CADRAIL's Prototype for the F40-2PHd #6400 looks gorgeous as she sits at the Palais Station in Québec City. April 22, 2007, two years before it would be over. Note she was unique as the only rebuild with a rear walkway Photo by Pierre Fournier
Ozark Mountain Railcar has former VIA RAIL “Riding Mountain Park” dome-observation for sale: http://www.ozarkmountainrailcar.com/riding_mountain_park.htm © CRO December 2010 |