This Month's Feature:
When time allows as CRO Production Assistant, I am a voracious
collector of railway books. My "Off The Shelf" column will review
books and DVDs that I feel would be to the appeal of our CRO
I invite you to contact me directly with questions, and with any new
publications or DVD’s that would be of interest to our CRO readers
for “Off the Shelf”.
"Toronto's Railway Heritage”

Derek Boles’ “Toronto’s Railway Heritage” is a somewhat slim but
very informative photographic book about the railways of Toronto.
The pictures are primarily from the late 19th century and the early
20th century and cover the various developments in Toronto railway
history, in particular the construction of Union Station and the
approaches that lead to it. The book is published by Arcadia
Publishing, who publish thousands of books in the same format about
local interests, many of them involving train related subjects. The
author is the chief historian of the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre
and has written extensively about Toronto’s railway history. There
are some fascinating photos of obscure steam wheel arrangements,
such as a Grand Trunk 4-4-2T that was used on the Toronto Belt Line
Railway. If you are interested in Toronto railway history during the
period covered by this book, this book is worth your while.
For future review suggestions or comments … Email me at:
Michael Berry
mberry7@ videotron .ca
Michael will review
Shron’s “TurboTrain: A Journey" |