CP Motive Power News |
CP Units Retired (or Sold) Recap
Locomotives sold in January and February 2013:
Both retired in August 2012, CP GP40-2 4654 and 4655 sold in January have arrived at Bensenville, IL for movement to Metro East Industries East St. Louis, IL, Retired in November 2012, SOO GP40 2041 was also sold in January and is in transit to Bensenville. According to our sources, they are to be rebuilt into GP38-2’s.
Locomotives retired in January and February 2013:
CP GP7u 1509, CP GP9u 1599, 1626, 1630, and 1694. CP Slugs 1127 and 1128 were retired in Winnipeg, , and were being sent to Moose Jaw, SK. for scrapping. The pair were previously mated to GP38-2 (Mother’s) 3027 and 3028. CP GP38-2 3027 has arrived in Montreal and was sent to CAD Railway Services in Lachine, QC for overhaul.
Retired SW1200RS 1237, 1250, and 1251 have been sold to NRE - Silvis, IL but as of January 25th, but have not moved yet. SW1200RS 1239 and 1241 have been sold to Independent Diesel services in Thief River Falls, MN.
Locomotives retired during December 2012:
Retired on December 13th, CP SD40-2F 9000, 9002, 9005, 9010, 9016, 9018, 9019 9022, and 9024 will be sent to EMD - Progress Rail in Mayfield, KY for rebuild into SD30C-ECO units.
Locomotives retired during November 2012:
CP Slug 1021
SOO GP40 2041 (Ex-MILW)
Locomotives retired during October 2012:
CP Hump Controller 1150 (Wrecked in a collision at Agincourt Yard, and is to be scrapped onsite)
CP Slug 1022 Stored Serviceable in Montreal since last year (and which had been mated to a GP9u at St-Luc), was retired in October, and scrapped at the diesel shop in October.
CP (ex-GP35) Control Cab Daughter 1125
CP Slug Hump Controller 1152
CP GP9u 1526, 1546, 1628, and 1687 (ex-THB)
CP SD40M-2 5490 and 5492
DME GP40Q 4000,
CP GP9u 1557, 1575, 1607, 1609, and 1610. (All moved to Coquitlam, BC).
STLH SD40-2 5593
ICE SD40-2 6413 (unit is in wrecked condition at the CSX Huntington Shops in Huntington, WV. The wreck on the CSX took place in March 2012 and the loco will not be returning to CP (our thanks to Bryan Jones).
CP SD9043MAC 9129, 9133, and 9138 sold to MANDAK METAL PROCESSORS, and all scrapped in Winnipeg, MB.
Not yet retired, the rest of the CP SD9043MAC fleet ( CP 9100-9128, 9130-9132, 9134-9137, 9139-9160) remain for sale, stored in Winnipeg, MB.
In February, CP removed the surplus power for sale posting on their website concerning SD9043MAC (CP 9100-9128, 9130-9132, 9134-9137, 9139-9160), currently stored in Winnipeg, MB. CRO has not ascertained if there was a buyer, but if unsold there these will be retired and scrapped.
CP AC4400CW units stored in February 2013:
CP 8533, 8561, 8628, 8645. 9536, 9537, 9539, 9540, 9544, 9545, 9555, 9559, 9562, 9564, 9567, 9573, 9574, 9579, 9582, 9586, 9616, 9654, 9674, 9700, 9708, 9711, 9713* (Stored Unserviceable after a third person crossing accident in Tilly, AB), 9719, 9724, 9733, 9750, 9757, 9774, 9781, 9784, 9801, and 9802. These GE’s are stored system wide, from St-Luc Yard (Montreal) to Coquitlam, BC.
At least eight CP AC4400CW's and GEVO's were moved to Quality Rail in Madison, IL during February, for repairs and repaint.
CP GP38-2 Overhaul Update:
The overhaul of GP38-2’s for Tier 0+ compliance, equipping them with AESS (Locomotive Automatic Engine Start/Stop), and repainting them into CP livery is spread over three facilities: Cadrail Diesel Services, EMD-Progress Rail and at National Railway Equipment. It is interesting to note, there have been no new arrivals for overhaul at Mayfield, KY, and the last one was released from EMD/Progress Rail at the end of January. As well, the first of CP’s GP38AC and D&H GP38-2 units are now included.
GP38-2’s to be overhauled at CAD Railway Services Lachine, QC:
CP 3027
GP38-2's released from EMD-Progress Rail (Mayfield, KY):
CP 3024, 3025, 3038, 3040, 3041, 3042, 3048, 3057, 3061, 3062, 3066, 3111, 3117, 3126, 3127, 3128, 3129, 3133 and (former SOO) CP 4414, 4415, 4418, 4424, 4427, 4428, 4436, 4446, 4447, 4450, 4506, 4513, 4514, and 4515.
GP38-2's to be overhauled at EMD-Progress Rail (Mayfield, KY): NIL.
As of February 1st, no more had arrived, with overhauled CP 3025 the last to be t released from Mayfield, KY January 31st.
GP38-2’s released from NRE (Silvis, IL):
CP 3033, 3103, 3124, 3134, CP 4426 (Former Soo Line).
GP38-2's to be Overhauled at NRE (Silvis, IL) :
CP GP38AC 3007, GP38-2 3075, 3084 (CPR Script Paint),
STLH (ex-D&H) 7308. SOO 4439 as well as CP F9B 1900 (CPR livery)
CRO has learned that NRE will NOT be repainting CP 3084, leaving her in the script livery. As well, CP F9B 1900 also at NRE for a mini-overhaul, it will remain in her current CP Tuscan red and grey.
Joe Ferguson snapped CP 3025 shipped from Mayfield, KY, February 1st, after its overhaul. Nothing like a crisp morning and some white stuff on the ground to enhance a new paint job! There are no other CP GP38-2’s at Mayfield, KY).
On February 2nd, Dennis Weber clicked overhauled CP GP38-2 4418 at LaCrosse, WI.
The final GP38-2 released from EMD/Progress Rail - Mayfield, KY CP 3025 was bagged by George Redmond on NB CN train A431 at Centralia, IL on February 6th.
SOO SD60 Overhaul Update: |
SOO SD60 overhaul update:
CAD Railway Services (Lachine, QC) continue to overhaul 26 SOO SD60’s and four SD60M to Tier 0+ compliance, equip them with AESS (Locomotive Automatic Engine Start/Stop) to conserve fuel, and repaint and renumber to CP 6200-series. The entire rebuilt SD60 fleet will receive (PTC) Positive Train Control modifications at the CP St-Luc Diesel Shop.
In Service:
CP SD60 6231 (ex-SOO 6031) released January 20th, 2013
CP SD60 6249 (ex-SOO 6049) released December 21st , 2012
CP SD60 6238 (ex-SOO 6038) released December 4th, 2012
CP SD60 6256 (ex-SOO 6056) released November 29, 2012
CP SD60 6246 (ex-SOO 6046) released November 20, 2012
CP SD60 6230 (ex-SOO 6030) released November 1st, 2012
CP SD60 6236 (ex-SOO 6036) released October 26th, 2012
CP SD60 6221 (ex-SOO 6021) released October 6th, 2012
CP SD60 6223 (ex-SOO 6023) released September 20th, 2012
CP SD60 6257 (ex-SOO 6057) released August 31st, 2012
CP SD60 6234 (ex-SOO 6034) released August 15th, 2012
CP SD60 6252 (ex-SOO 6052) released July 25th, 2012
CP SD60 6255 (ex-SOO 6055) released June 21st, 2012
CP SD60 6229 (ex-SOO 6029) released June 5th, 2012
CP SD60 6243 (ex-SOO 6043) released April 20th, 2012
CP SD60 6254 (ex-SOO 6054) released March 29th, 2012
CP SD60 6245 (ex-SOO 6045) released March 6th, 2012
CP SD60 6242 (ex-SOO 6042) released March 1st, 2012
CP SD60M 6260 (ex-SOO 6060) released January 13th, 2012
CP SD60 6228 (ex-SOO 6028) released December 16th, 2011
CP SD60 6225 (ex-SOO 6025) released December 1st, 2011
CP SD60 6241 (ex-SOO 6041) released November, 2011
CP SD60 6240 (ex-SOO 6040) released October, 2011
CP SD60 6250 (ex-SOO 6050) released October, 2011
At Cadrail:
SOO SD60 6039, arrived at St-Luc December 21st
SOO SD60M 6058 arrived at St-Luc December 21st
SOO SD60M 6059 arrived at St-Luc December 21st
SOO SD60 6047 arrived in Montreal January 17th
SOO SD60 6048 arrived in Montreal January 17th
SOO SD60M 6062 arrived in Montreal January 18th
Destined for the Irving refinery at Saint John N.B, On February 5th, Francois Jolin snapped this Montreal Maine & Atlantic crude oil train at Farnham, QC., as a new crew takes over for the next 140 miles run to Megantic, QC on the Adirondack Sub. The eclectic lash up included CP SD60M 6260, MMA C30-7, 5018, CP SD40-2 6066, and MMA C30-7u 3000 and C30-7 3614.
Bill Miller listed the remaining SOO LINE painted SD60’s and SD60M’s:
Currently Running:
SOO6022 leased to MMA
SOO6026 leased to MMA
SOO6061 departed Carrington, ND 2/7/13 (07:30)
Out of service:
CP SD30C-ECO Update: |
A large group of CP SD40-2’s are now being rebuilt at EMD-Progress shops to meet Tier 0+ US emissions standards are in Mayfield, Kentucky. These rebuilt SD30Cs are to be numbered beginning at CP 5000. The SD30C-ECOs are basically rebuilt from SD40-2 cores and frames, and powered by a new 12 cylinder 3000 hp 12-710G3F engine. Similar to recent locomotives delivered by GE and EMDI, except for the headlight and ditch lights, LED lighting is expected. CP SD30C-ECO 5004 was photographed completed at EMD’s facility in Mayfield, Kentucky in January.
On February 13th, CP SD30CECO 5005 was almost complete at Progress Rail in Mayfield, KY, seen here in front of the shop.
Further information about ECO re-powering can be found here:
The following 20 CP SD40-2's are to be done over the next 12 months: 5415, 5672, 5691, 5728, 5734, 5735, 5745, 5789, 5869, 5918, 5933, 5934, 5950, 5971, 5980, 5983, 6027, 6039, 6056 and 6606.
One of the first SD30C ECO repower units was been sighted at EMD’s plant in Mayfield, KY. CP 5004 is nearing completion, and should ship before the end of the first week of December 2012. Photos will follow once the locomotive is in the public domain
CP GP20C-ECO Update: |
Last month, CP began taking delivery of the first order for GP20C-ECO locomotives from the EMD’s new plant in Muncie, IN. The emissions decals on the sides of the units indicate the units only meet EPA Tier 0+ specifications. This is likely because enough components from the scrapped GP9s used in the program were incorporated into the locomotives that they are considered rebuild locomotives and not new construction, despite their having new frames and all new bodies. The 30 GP20C-ECO units (CP 2200-2229), will be assigned to St-Paul, MN, releasing 30 CP GP38-2’s already assigned there.
Arrival dates of the CPR 2200s on the property:
(Compiled by Ken Perry and Bruce Chapman with thanks).
CP 2210, 2211, 2212, 2213, 2214 and 2215 arrived CP Bensenville 2013-01-01.
CP 2200, 2201, 2202, 2205, 2206, 2207, 2208 (AEI as 2008, since corrected)
and 2209 arrived CP Bensenville 2013-01-09.
CP 2203, 2204, 2216, 2217, 2218, 2220, 2221 and 2222 arrived CP Bensenville 2013-01-11. No AEI trace found for CP 2219, 2223, 2224, 2225, 2226, 2227, 2228 or 2229.
UMLER shows: CP 2200 as ex-1528, 2201 ex-1568, 2202 ex-1501, CP 2203 as ex-1525. 2204 ex-1567, 2205 ex-1697, 2206 ex-1515, 2207 ex-1581, 2208, ex-1638, 2209 ex-8240, 2210 ex-1566, 2211 ex-1603, 2212 ex-1682, 2213 ex-1505, 2214 ex-1696, 2215 ex-1611, 2216 ex-1565, 2217 ex-1617, 2218 ex-1503, 2219 ex-8229, 2220 ex-1588, 2221 ex-1644, 2222, ex-1570, 2223 ex-1569, 2224 ex-8264, 2225 ex-1621, 2226 ex-1519, 2227 ex-1612 2228 ex-1615, and CP 2229 shows as ex-1639.
On a cloudy February 22nd. Dennis Weber snapped the local CP Roadswitcher power with GP20C-ECO 2202 at the point at LaCrosse, WI .
The following GP7u/GP9u loco’s are tied up Retired at Coquitlam, BC pending cannibalization for usable components at the SRY shops in New Westminster, BC, Later on these will be scrapped at ABC Metals in Langly, BC:
CP 1508, 1514, 1526, 1530, 1531, 1538, 1543, 1546, 1557, 1573, 1574, 1575, 1604. 1607, 1609, 1610, 1612, 1614, 1615, 1618, 1628, 1632, 1636, 1639, 1647, 1649, 1652, 1687, 1691, and 8214, 8227, 8230, and 8237. As of February 2013, a total of 33 units had arrived at the CP yard in Coquitlam, BC for stripping at SRY. CP 1652, 1530, 1691, 1618, and 1612 were moved to SRY in New Westminster, BC in February, being stripped and prepped for scrapping.
The following GP7u/GP9u locos have already been scrapped at ABC Metals:
CP 1501, 1503, 1505, 1515, 1519, 1525, 1528, 1565, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569, 1570, 1581, 1588,1603, 1611, 1617, 1621, 1638, 1644, 1649, 1682, 1692, 1696, 1697, 8224, 8229, 8240, 8242,and 8264.
John Leeming caught Train 2-205-20 on the Shuswap Sub on February 24th with 1694 and 1687 in tow destined to Coquitlam, BC.
CP Leased Locomotives on the property in February |
CEFX (AC4400CW) IN SERVICE: 1002, 1006, 1007, 1014, 1018-1020, 1023, 1024, 1026-1059. (SOO-owned on paper as of February 28th 2011)
CITX (SD40-2) STORED: 2783, 2792, 2799, 2804, 3008, 3024, 3026, 3035, 3036, 3053, 3054, 3055, 3057, 3059, 3060, 3061, 3062, 3064, 3065, 3066, 3067, 3070, 3071, 3072, 3073, 3074, 3075, 3078, 3080, 3082, , 3083, 3086, 3089, 3090, 3091, 3092, 3095, 3097, 3098, 3099 3100, 3157 and 3177, all off lease and stored at various locations on CP. In July, 3032 was removed from storage at Coquitlam, BC and sent to the SRY for lease.
CITX (SD40-2) IN SERVICE: 2785, 2794, 2796, 3056, 3058, 3063,
3077, 3079. 3081, 3088, 3101, 3102, 3110, and 3170.
CP Photos |
On February 3rd, Alex Pallo Jr. snapped
Alex also submitted his shot of CP 235 as it approached the Concession Road #8 railway crossing.
DM&E B-27's power, back to back ICE SD40-2’s 6451 and 6405 at LaCrosse WI on February 3rd.
February 16th continued to be a colourful day for Dennis Weber, as CP Train 284 rolled into view led by CSX SD70Mac 4824, and Ac4400CW’s 83 and 95.
Dennis also bagged CP Train 299 (a daily Chicago to Edmonton Manifest), with AC4400CW’s CEFX 1020 and CP 8632.
CP GP38-2’s 3111 and 3097 were shot February 3rd by Ron Visockis in Trenton ON
On February 8th, Bill Miller had a terrific day railfanning on the Galt Sub and snapped super consists with overhauled CP SD60 6238 eastbound on 282, AC4400CW 8553 on 642, overhauled GP38-2’s 3062 and 4424 on TK22, and colourful leased power on WB 607, all on fresh now and under blue skies.
On the Belleville Sub, Shaun Hennessy shot new CP train #430 (East) at Bowmanville, and Port Hope, ON February 18th
On a cloudy day at LaCrosse, WI, Dennis Weber caught a terrific lashup on train H-19 with CP GP38-2 4524, SD30CECO 2213, and GP40 4602 February 22nd. CP 4524 was built by EMD as Union Pacific GP40X 9000 (12/1977), renumbered to UP 90, then renumbered to UP 954. Sold to National Railway Equipment and renumbered to NREX 954. Acquired by CP through trade (1/2005). Repainted and renumbered to CP 4524 (5/2005). Repainted and renumbered to CP 4524 (5/2005) the unit retains the unique “flared” radiators.
CP News |
Executive Officer Hunter Harrison, who was lured from retirement as the head of
CN hired a deputy to implement his turnaround strategy at the least efficient
North American carrier. CP
appointed Keith Creel president and Chief Operating Officer, effective Feb. 5th.
2013 . E. Hunter Harrison will remain Chief Executive Officer. "Keith joins CP
after a very successful operating career where he rose from a management trainee
in the operations department at Burlington Northern in 1992 to becoming EVP and
COO at CN in 2010," said Harrison who worked with Creel at CN while Harrison
served as the Class I's president and CEO from 2003 to 2009 in a prepared
statement. "I have worked with many talented operating people in this industry
over the last four decades and Keith is by far one of the best young operating
talents that I have ever seen. Canadian Pacific recently began its
transformational journey to becoming the best railroad in North America, and we
look forward to benefiting from Keith's strong leadership and operational
expertise as we move forward." Creel's other posts at CN included SVP of the
Eastern Region, SVP of the Western Region and VP of the Prairie Division. At the
Burlington Northern Railroad, he served stints as an intermodal ramp manager and
trainmaster. Prior to joining CN in 2002, Creel held various positions at the
Illinois Central Railroad, including trainmaster, director of corridor
operations, district superintendent and general manager-Michigan Zone.
Harrison’s previous experience with Keith Creel, Canadian National’s chief
operating officer makes Creel the likeliest choice for Canadian Pacific’s No. 2
executive, said investors and analysts including Canaccord Genuity’s David
Tyerman. Such a step would echo Harrison’s own recruitment by hedge- fund
manager William
who waged a proxy fight to oust Canadian Pacific’s previous CEO, Fred Green.
Investors already are betting that Harrison, 68, can repeat his history as a
profit booster, with a 55%
in the railroad’s stock since he started outpacing Canadian National’s 11
During February, Hunter Harrison visited Coquitlam, BC and held a meeting at the yard, attended by CP Managers and 80 others held at the Poco Inn and Suites, situated across the street from Coquitlam Yard. There were also individuals from Revelstoke and Cranbrook. One CP employee during a Q and Asked him what his position was on the Heritage program citing the Christmas Train; (RCP and #2816). He mentioned how the UP has had a steam program for 50 years and the NS had one until Bob Claytor retired and passed away. Hunter cut in and said "And Bob Claytor managed to turn over a steam engine while he was there". He then said "I hate steam engines". The audience chuckled when he said that. "They are expensive to run; the liability is too high and they serve no useful purpose" He never did touch on the RCP. He did say he will continue to run the Christmas train. He then said the company contributed over a million dollars to the relief fund in New York City after Hurricane Sandy and was quick to point out that the Norfolk Southern only donated $100,000.00. He seems to have an answer for everything. None of his answers surprised me but I did not want to blow this opportunity to ask him about the steam program.
The Canadian Pacific Railway has followed in the footsteps of Imperial Oil as they too will be relocating their offices to the new mixed use community of Quarry Park, found in Calgary’s southeast. CP is moving all of its 1,100 employees from the current downtown location in Gulf Canada Square, to a new office in Quarry Park. Also included are three smaller buildings that will be used to house administrative and training services for CP. The new head office is currently being built in Quarry Park at 7550 Ogdendale Road SE, on CP owned property.
Iconic Montreal landmark Windsor Station will shortly sever all the remaining affiliation with the Canadian Pacific Railway. The CP (RTC –Dispatching) Montreal Operation Center employees currently working in the historic building were informed the railway will be closing the office, and moving all positions to Calgary. 20 years ago, the trackage, platforms, sheds, and freight offices on the western side of Windsor Station were demolished, for the huge Molson Centre, the new home of Montreal Canadiens hockey club, currently called the Bell Centre. The remaining CP tracks west of the Bell Centre became the seven track downtown AMT Terminal called Lucien L’Allier Station, named after the Metro station beneath it. The east side of Windsor Station was retained as an office complex owned by Cadillac-Fairview, who CP currently pays rent to as a tenant for their office space. CP President and CEO E. Hunter Harrison had prepared for this decision months ago as move preparations at the Ogden location were already in place for the move which is tentatively planned for July 1st, 2013.
On October 28th 1978, John Eull snapped the last CP Canadian prepares to depart Windsor Station, the next departure will be under the VIA Rail banner.
CP Vignettes |
Bob Heathorn picked up this slide on eBay for his extensive SOO LINE photo collection and as he is aware we have many SOO fans he kindly shared it with our CRO readers. SOO had leased these EMDX SD35's 1554, 1555, and sibling during a power shortage. The photo was taken on April 15th, 1990 by Roger Bee, but no location was provided.
Bob also submitted shots of two GP9R rebuilds in SOO LINE Candy Apple paint in the early 1990’s. Only five SOO GP9’s were overhauled at the Angus Shop In Montreal, numbered SOO 4200-4204. SOO 4100 was built by EMD as NYC GP9 5955, then to Penn Central 7355, then to Conrail 7355. It was rebuilt into a GP9R at the CP Angus Shop and renumbered SOO 4200 in January 1991. In 2006 it was sold and converted by RailPower Technologies into "Green Goat" hybrid locomotive (RPRX 1703).
SOO GP9R 4202 is shown at St. Paul Yard in Minnesota in the mid-1990’s. She was built by EMD in the 1950’s as NYC GP9 5920, then to PC 7320, then to Conrail 7320. Rebuilt at CP Angus shops in 1991 as SOO GP9 4202). She was retired on February 29th, 2008 and sold to Rail & Motor International in October 2009 and later scrapped at Searcy Trucking, Winnipeg, MB.
Bob Heathorn submitted this interesting photo essay on the life and death of SOO GP15C 4102, a former Conrail GP9 was rebuilt into a Caterpillar powered GP15C in December 1990. SOO 4102 before the rebuild still in CR blue, and with small SOO lettering beneath the cab number of the geep.
SOO GP15C 4102 is seen at the St. Paul Diesel Shop in April 1992.
SOO 4102 in action in October 1992, leaving Daytons Bluff, near St. Paul, MN.
In 1996, SOO 4102 was ending her career at the Shoreham Shop and was scrapped to the best of my knowledge.
CP Ogden Shop employees pose at the diesel shop in August 1987. If any of our readers have info about this event, please email us. Photo by Bernie Brockway (via Bruce Chapman with thanks).
Duane Cooke added his shots of CP GP9u 8264 (ex-SOO/WC 2405) following her rebuild.
History of CPR Instruction Car #60
(By Doug Phillips)
The car was first delivered to CPR at Angus Shop designated ‘Instruction Car 60’ way back on June 23rd, 1941. There it was converted from Compartment observation car MOUNT HURD. MOUNT HURD was wood construction built June 1909 as single compartment observation lounge car GLEN SIDE, and was converted to compartment observation sleeping car January 1918. MOUNT HURD was steel sheathed in June 1927 at Angus shops, but was never air-conditioned. As a Mechanical Instruction Car it was assigned to the Eastern Lines at Toronto 1941 to 1978 when removed from service.
Car ‘60’ was designated a business car in 1962. Sold January 1979 to Ontario Rail Association (ORA) then transferred to South Simco Railway in 1983, Tottenham, ON. However because of poor condition the car was scrapped on site at a location just south of Tottenham, ON.in the summer of 1999.
BOMBARDIER VIGNETTES: In May 1983,, four BBD-built HR616's were testing on CP, and Keith Harrison snapped this photo of the quartet at Newtonville. (From my buddy Bruce Chapman with thanks).
In June 1983, Keith Harrison snapped one of the BBD-built HR616's testing on CP, this time sandwiched by a pair of SD40-2's. There were four testing in total and at first ran all together in a quartet. (From my buddy Bruce Chapman with thanks.
©CRO March 2013