CP Motive Power News |
Delaware and Hudson GP38-2 7304 was on CP Train #255 (a Binghamton, NY to Windsor, ON manifest), and photographed at Fort Erie, ON April 17th. D&H 7304 was cut off Windsor, ON and is for use in local service with CP 7307 another ex-D&H GP38-2 already there. D&H 7304 is one of only three D&H painted GP38-2’s on the CP roster (7303, 7304, and 7312). Ex-D&H GP38-2 (STLH 7308) is currently at NRE Silvis for overhaul, and as shop space is available, the other nine ex-D&H GP38-2’s, (all of which are former Lehigh Valley) will be overhauled, including the D&H painted trio. However it is possible D&H 7312’s paint could be saved if there is enough pressure to preserve it
Jay Butler was fortunate to catch CP T76 with D&H GP38-2 7304 mated with ex-D&H 7307 on April 22nd as they passed through Jeannette, ON on the CP Windsor Sub. Three days later on April 25th, the same pair was westbound at Tilbury on its way back to Walkerville, ON.
CP acquires another business car from CN:
In late April, former Wisconsin Central heavy weight rear platform observation car “Superior” had been relettered to CP at the CN Woodcrest Shop. It is still wearing the WC maroon and yellow paint scheme. This is the third business cars CP has purchased in two months, In March, the Canadian National Railway sold two cars from their executive fleet to the Canadian Pacific Railway which were renumbered CP 2 and CP 1. Track inspection theater car CN 1060 “Sanford Fleming” ( “CP1”), and CN heavyweight platform observation car 1058 (“CP2”) were then moved to Quality Rail in East St. Louis, IL for repaint
CP Units Retired (or Sold) Recap
Locomotives sold during 2013:
Former CP GP40-2 4654 and 4655 and ex-SOO GP40 2041 arrived at Metro East Industries East St. Louis, IL. Retired in November 2012, SOO GP40 2041, and the GP40-2’s were retired in August and sold in January 2013 According to our sources, they are to be rebuilt into GP38-2’s. In January retired SW1200RS 1237, 1250, and 1251 were sold to NRE - Silvis, IL and SW1200RS 1239 and 1241 were sold to Independent Diesel services in Thief River Falls, MN.
Locomotives retired in 2013:
CP GP7u 1509, CP GP9u 1599, 1626, 1630, and 1694, CP Slugs 1127 and 1128 were retired in Winnipeg, and sent to Moose Jaw, SK. for scrapping. The pair were previously mated to GP38-2 (Mother’s) 3027 and 3028. CP 3027 is currently at CAD for overhaul.
CP AC4400CW units stored in April 2013:
In March, CP 9810, 9562, 8613, and 9545 were moved DIT from storage in Montreal to Toronto for storage. Currently stored system-wide are: CP 8533, 8561, 8613, 8628, 8645. 9536, 9537, 9539, 9540, 9544, 9545, 9555, 9559, 9562, 9564, 9567, 9573, 9574, 9579, 9582, 9586, 9616, 9654, 9674, 9700, 9708, 9711, 9713* (Stored Unserviceable after a third person crossing accident in Tilly, AB), 9719, 9724, 9733, 9757, 9774, 9781, 9784, 9801, 9802 and 9810.
The following CP AC4400CW’s are earmarked for CAD, and will arrive as space to do the work becomes available: CP 9554, 9556, 9558, 9649 , 9560, 9521, 9523, 9803, 8639, 9725, 9750, 9751, 9810, 8520, 9517, 9524, 9825, 9831, 8624, 9735, 9822, 9622, and 9527. Two of these, CP 9725 and 9750 had arrived at the CAD facility in March, along with CP leased CEFX AC4400CW 1037 and 1029.
CP GP38-2 Overhaul Update:
The overhaul of GP38-2’s for Tier 0+ compliance, equipping them with AESS (Locomotive Automatic Engine Start/Stop), and repainting them into CP livery is spread over three facilities: Cadrail Diesel Services, EMD-Progress Rail and at National Railway Equipment. It is interesting to note, there have been no new arrivals for overhaul at Mayfield, KY, and the last one was released from EMD/Progress Rail at the end of January. As well, the first of CP’s GP38AC and D&H GP38-2 units are now included.
GP38-2’s to be overhauled at CAD Railway Services Lachine, QC:
CP 3027
GP38-2's released from EMD-Progress Rail (Mayfield, KY):
CP 3024, 3025, 3038, 3040, 3041, 3042, 3048, 3057, 3061, 3062, 3066, 3111, 3117, 3126, 3127, 3128, 3129, 3133, and (former SOO) CP 4414, 4415, 4418, 4424, 4427, 4428, 4436, 4446, 4447, 4450, 4506, 4513, 4514, and 4515 completing the contract.
At present there are no more GP38-2's scheduled for overhauled at EMD-Progress Rail (Mayfield, KY):
GP38-2’s released from NRE (Silvis, IL):
CP 3033, 3075, 3103, 3124, 3134, CP 4426 (Former Soo Line). In April GP38-2 3007 was released the first former CP GP38AC. It has been reassigned from Coquitlam to Moose Jaw. SK. As well, NRE-rebuild CP 4426 former SOO GP38-2 was reassigned from St. Paul, MN to Alyth, AB.
GP38-2's to be overhauled at NRE (Silvis, IL):
GP38AC 3007, 3013, 3017, GP38-2 3023, 3084* (in CPR Script livery), STLH (ex-D&H) 7308, SOO 4439, SOO 4449, as well as CP F9B 1900 (CPR Block Lettering livery). CP GP38-2 3084, and CP F9B 1900 (at NRE for a mini-overhaul), will both retain their CPR Tuscan Red and grey uniform. In mid-April, SOO GP38-2 4449 was already being dismantled at NRE. Ex-D&H GP38-2 (STLH 7308) is currently at NRE Silvis for overhaul, and as shop space is available, the other nine ex-D&H GP38-2’s will also get done, As stated earlier in this issue, the overhaul and repaint of these former Lehigh Valley) are to include the current D&H painted trio.
EMD/Progress overhauled CP GP38-2 4447 and GP38AC 3012 were photographed in idle at the Coquitlam Diesel facility, Mile 111.9, on CP Cascade Sub April 6th. One of our good sources mentioned that the Coquitlam crews do not like operating this former SOO LINE locomotive, mainly due to its American-style high mounted headlight and ditch lights, having no dynamic brakes, and other reasons. Therefore CP 4447 is now being transferred east for another assignment. As well, CP GP38-2 4426 (another ex-SOO rebuilt) was recently reassigned from SOO to Alyth in Calgary, AB, and we will be watching to see how that works out.
SOO SD60 Overhaul Update: |
SOO SD60 overhaul update:
CAD Railway Services (Lachine, QC) continue to overhaul 26 SOO SD60’s and four SD60M’s to Tier 0+ compliance, equip them with AESS (Locomotive Automatic Engine Start/Stop) to conserve fuel, and repaint and renumber to CP 6200-series. The entire rebuilt SD60 fleet will receive (PTC) Positive Train Control modifications at the CP St-Luc Diesel Shop.
In Service:
CP SD60M 6262 (ex-SOO 6062) was released April 29th, 2013
CP SD60 6239 (ex-SOO 6039) was released April 29th, 2013
CP SD60M 6259 (ex-SOO 6059) was released in April 2013
CP SD60M 6259 (ex-SOO 6058) was released in April 2013
CP SD60 6231 (ex-SOO 6031) released January 20th, 2013
CP SD60 6249 (ex-SOO 6049) released December 21st , 2012
CP SD60 6238 (ex-SOO 6038) released December 4th, 2012
CP SD60 6256 (ex-SOO 6056) released November 29, 2012
CP SD60 6246 (ex-SOO 6046) released November 20, 2012.
CP SD60 6230 (ex-SOO 6030) released November 1st, 2012
CP SD60 6236 (ex-SOO 6036) released October 26th, 2012
CP SD60 6221 (ex-SOO 6021) released October 6th, 2012.
CP SD60 6223 (ex-SOO 6023) released September 20th, 2012
CP SD60 6257 (ex-SOO 6057) released August 31st. 2012
CP SD60 6234 (ex-SOO 6034) released August 15th, 2012
CP SD60 6252 (ex-SOO 6052) released July 25th, 2012
CP SD60 6255 (ex-SOO 6055) released June 21st, 2012
CP SD60 6229 (ex-SOO 6029) released June 5th, 2012
CP SD60 6243 (ex-SOO 6043) released April 20th 2012
CP SD60 6254 (ex-SOO 6054) released March 29th 2012
CP SD60 6245 (ex-SOO 6045) released March 6th 2012
CP SD60 6242 (ex-SOO 6042) released March 1st 2012
CP SD60M 6260 (ex-SOO 6060) released January 13th 2012
CP SD60 6228 (ex-SOO 6028) released December 16th 2011
CP SD60 6225 (ex-SOO 6025) released December 1st 2011
CP SD60 6241 (ex-SOO 6041) released November 2011
CP SD60 6240 (ex-SOO 6040) released October 2011
CP SD60 6250 (ex-SOO 6050) released October 2011
At Cadrail:
SOO SD60 6047 arrived in Montreal January 17th
SOO SD60 6048 arrived in Montreal January 17th
SOO SD60 6022 arrived in Montreal April 26th
Richard Marchi bagged CP 6239 fresh from CAD at St-Luc Diesel shop on April 21st, and CP SD60M 6262 on April 28th outside CAD Shop.
On April 15th CP SD60M 6259 was seen at St-Luc Yard after release from CAD.
Ron Visockis caught CP 6059 on her first trip west on April 20th, It was a cold day in Trentom, ON (-1C windy a little bit of Snow) Not a nice day for railfanning. I was coming back from Trenton visiting a friend. Ron passed by the CP tracks, I saw the lights, on so I stopped and got my shots, of the day a short train coming from Smiths Falls had stopped in the Trenton Yard.to switch cars and then head back to Smiths Falls.
Eric Salter has listed the last SD60’s remaining in SOO LINE paint and their last traced locations as of April 15th:
SOO6022 SAINT PAUL, MN 04/19
SOO6024 SAINT PAUL, MN 09/20
SOO6026 ST LUC, PQ 04/19 (Leased to MMA)
SOO6033 SAINT PAUL, MN 11/28
SOO6037 SAINT PAUL, MN 09/14
SOO6039 ST LUC, PQ 04/18
SOO6047 LA SALLE, PQ 04/08
SOO6048 SAINT-JEAN-SUR, PQ 03/20 (Leased to MMA)
SOO6051 SAINT PAUL, MN 03/13
SOO6061 HARVEY, ND 02/21
SOO6062 ST LUC, PQ 01/11
CP SD30C-ECO Update: |
A large group of CP SD40-2’s are now being rebuilt at EMD-Progress shops to meet Tier 0+ US emissions standards are in Mayfield, Kentucky. CRO has learned the order is behind schedule and will not be completed until late this year. These rebuilt SD30Cs are to be numbered beginning at CP 5000. The SD30C-ECOs are basically rebuilt from SD40-2 cores and frames, and powered by a new 12 cylinder 3000 hp 12-710G3F engine. These are very similar to recent locomotives delivered by GE and EMDI, with the exception of headlight and ditch light placement and LED lighting.
Further information about ECO re-powering can be found here:
The following 20 CP SD40-2's are to be done over the next 12 months: 5415, 5672, 5691, 5728, 5734, 5735, 5745, 5789, 5869, 5918, 5933, 5934, 5950, 5971, 5980, 5983, 6027, 6039, 6056 and 6606.
The following SD40-2's and SD40-2F's are the proposed units for ECO rebuild beginning in mid-in 2013: SD40-2’s 5648, 5787, 5795, 5844, 5902, 5924, 5930, 5931, 5940, 5944, 5947, 5948, 5967, 5992, 5997, 5998, and 6006, and SD40-2F’s: 9000, 9002, 9005, 9010, 9016, 9018, 9022, and 9024.
CP GP20C-ECO Update: |
In February, CP began taking delivery of the first order for GP20C-ECO locomotives from the EMD’s new plant in Muncie, IN. However the emissions decals on the sides of the units indicate the units only meet EPA Tier 0+ specifications. This is likely because enough components from the scrapped GP9u’s used in the program were incorporated into the locomotives that they are considered rebuild locomotives and not new construction, despite their having new frames and all new bodies. The 30 GP20C-ECO units (CP 2200-2229), will be assigned to St-Paul, MN, releasing 30 CP GP38-2’s already assigned there. All have been delivered except for CP 2219, which was still at Muncie on April 1st.
On April 4th, Dennis Weber bagged CP GP30C-ECO 2200 at LaCrescent, MN. assigned to a work train.
Here are the CP 2200-series arrival dates on the property:
(Compiled by Bruce Chapman and Ken Perry)
1. CP 2210, 2211, 2212, 2213, 2214 and 2215 arrived on CP 01/01/13
2. CP 2200, 2201, 2202, 2205, 2206, 2207, 2208 and 2209 arrived on CP 01-09/13.
3. CP 2203, 2204, 2216, 2217, 2218, 2220, 2221 and 2222 arrived CP 01/11/13.
4. CP 2223 2224 2227 2228 delivered 3/7/13
5. 2225 2226 2229 delivered 3/25/13.
Note: CP 2229 subsequently failed and was TUUS on March 29th.
6. CP 2228 suffered severe collision damage on the Soo Line, and was sent to NRE Silvis for major repairs in mid-April.
UMLER CP GP20C-ECO Numbering: CP 2200 as ex-1528, 2201 ex-1568, 2202 ex-1501, CP 2203 as ex-1525. 2204 ex-1567, 2205 ex-1697, 2206 ex-1515, 2207 ex-1581, 2208, ex-1638, 2209 ex-8240, 2210 ex-1566, 2211 ex-1603, 2212 ex-1682, 2213 ex-1505, 2214 ex-1696, 2215 ex-1611, 2216 ex-1565, 2217 ex-1617, 2218 ex-1503, 2219 ex-8229, 2220 ex-1588, 2221 ex-1644, 2222, ex-1570, 2223 ex-1569, 2224 ex-8264, 2225 ex-1621, 2226 ex-1519, 2227 ex-1612 2228 ex-1615, and CP 2229 shows as ex-1639.
CP have now earmarked 61 more that are destined to Port Coquitlam over the next
year, or more including many GP9u’s still in service now. One surprise in March
was that ICE GP9 103, 105, 114 are to be moved to Coquitlam, BC for the program,
stripped and scrapped.
These GP7u/GP9u loco’s are retired and tied up and will pass through Coquitlam, BC pending cannibalization for usable components at the SRY shops in New Westminster, BC, Later on these will be scrapped at ABC Metals in Langly, BC.
Noted at the CP Coquitlam Diesel Shop on April
19th were:
1. Fast Track: CP 1639, 1508, 1615, 1557, 8227, 8230, 1614, 1538, 1609,
1647, 1636, 1632, 1692, 1575, 1599, 1626, 1687, 1694.
2. DS3W: CP 1509
3. DSF2: CP 1607, 1610, 1573, 1574, 1514, 8237, 1543, 1020, 1010, 1628,
1546, 8214, 1630.
At press time the last group that had been sent to SRY for stripping were
CP 1530, 1599, 1612, 1618, 1626, 1652, 1687, 1691, and 1694. Once cannibalized,
they will be moved from New Westminster, BC, for scrapping at ABC Metals.
The following GP7u/GP9u locos have already been scrapped at ABC Metals.
CP 1501, 1503, 1505, 1515, 1519, 1525, 1528, 1565, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569, 1570, 1581, 1687, 1588,1603, 1611, 1617, 1621, 1638, 1644, 1649, 1682, 1687, 1692, 1696, 1697, 8224, 8229, 8240, 8242, and 8264.
CP Leased Locomotives on the property in March |
CEFX (AC4400CW) IN SERVICE: 1002, 1006, 1007, 1014, 1018-1020, 1023, 1024, 1026-1059. (SOO-owned on paper as of February 28th 2011)
CITX (SD40-2) STORED: 2783, 2792, 2799, 2804, 3008, 3024, 3026, 3035, 3036, 3053, 3054, 3055, 3057, 3059, 3060, 3061, 3062, 3064, 3065, 3066, 3067, 3070, 3071, 3072, 3073, 3074, 3075, 3078, 3080, 3082, , 3083, 3086, 3089, 3090, 3091, 3092, 3095, 3097, 3098, 3099 3100, 3101, 3127, 3157, 3163, 3166, 3177, and 3182 are off lease and stored at various locations on CP. In July, 3032 was removed from storage at Coquitlam, BC and sent to the SRY for lease.
CITX (SD40-2) IN SERVICE: 2785, 2794, 2796, 3056, 3058, 3063,
3077, 3079. 3081, 3088, 3101, 3102, 3110, and 3170.
Previously stored at St. Paul, MN CITX 3127, 3065 3172, 3071, 3101, 3166, 3163, and 3082 were noted at St-Luc in Montreal and are now leased to the MM&A (Montreal Maine and Atlantic) These CITX SD40-2’s will replace the SOO SD60’s and CP SD40-2’s leased to MM&A, which the railway pays a higher premium to lease, Richard Marchi submitted these shots.
CP Photos |
Kenneth Borg submitted these great shots of CP #608 (Crude Oil Tank Train) eastbound in Allen Park, MI at Enterprise Drive, On April 4th.
Later the same day, Ken snapped CP #608 at Delray Interlocking in Detroit, MI with an NS train working on the eastbound track.
CP #608 at MC Depot in Detroit, MI.
His last shot shows CP #608 heading into the Detroit River Tunnel, Detroit, MI
for Canada.
No April Fool on the 1st of the month as CP train #147 had 8841 on point and NS 1022 and 1012 returning from their short trip into Canada. #147 is passing the old Ruggaber Mill in Elmstead, Ontario and is wasting no time as they speed toward Windsor enroute to the border.
CP’s Ethanol tank train #634 on April 4th had NS 7698 and 2574 on the point seen passing through Dakota, MN.
Pride of the fleet! On April 17th Walter Pfefferle snapped CP GP40-2 4652 in London, ON. This horribly patched CP unit is former HATX 506, nee-Boston and Maine 310,and still has evidence of Gullford grey and B&M blue paint.
The B&M shot was taken back in February 1978 in S. Portland Maine. (Bill Sanderson Collection)
Andy Cassidy caught a train of black gold as CP AC440CW 9784-8543 and rear DPU CP 9650 push a loaded crude oil train South at Cumberland, Mile 144.0 on the CN New Westminster Sub April 2nd.
Andy also bagged Road Switcher 3 (RS3), was first up pulling cans east from Vancouver to Coquitlam. He had the CP 3011-3010 (Both GMD GP38AC’s), for assigned power. The 3011 was overhauled in November 2005 and still looks pretty decent. The 3010 needs a going over but is still hanging in there. One thing you may notice on the 3010 is the SBU Holder we applied to the LF of the fuel tank. Easier to handle from there than up on the running boards.
Stephen Koenig snapped flat car ITTX 965629 in early-April on CP 255, Canada bound from Buffalo, NY. Under the tarp is former Central Vermont Railway #382, a 1905-built passenger car destined to Colorado (CP to Chicago) for repairs, with the trucks transported by truck.
Kevin a scene along the Mission Sub with CP’s ‘Sumas Turn’ working with a pair of venerable SD40-2’s (CP 5939 and 5908), cross the slough in Matsqui under glorious sunshine.
The other scene shows a westbound loaded potash with not one but two GE’s. The real bonus was getting a “wing” loco as a leader! UP ES44AC #5521 with UP C44/60CW #7065 working the lead end hard as the loads begin the long 4 mile climb to old Fassiferne while mid-train DPU (Distributed Power Unit) UP SD9043AC #8276 and rear DPU UP SD9043AC #8307 haven’t even begun the more serious ascent yet. My apologies on the poor quality of the NewsPhoto but that’s what happens when you’re caught off guard, like the railways.
CP T76 tied up at Jefferson April 25th, after coming back from Chatham, ON and as the sun came out long enough for Geoff Elliott to grab a shot on the drive home. Geoff added on April 25th CSX 7312/211 were in the CP Windsor yard to pick up the unit grain train coming off the ETR/ADM. Ver the next six months they are looking at two trains a month to the ETR.
CP News |
An east bound freight derailed two tank cars which spilled their oil load at White River, Ontario the first week of April. The load was destined to a refinery in Montreal.
Bruce Chapman sent us these Youtube clips of
rail footage from an episode of the Canadian TV series “Due South” from the
mid-90's, I'm sure a few have seen it before. The premise of this episode is a
trainload of Mounties is hijacked by terrorist revolutionaries and held for
ransom, and the good guys must save it before it hits a train full of nuclear
waste. Filmed on the Canadian Pacific (now OBRY) Owen Sound Sub in Ontario
using a short train of a CP GP38-2, three caboose/horse express cars, three
VIA Stainless steel Budds and a tail end caboose. There are some recognizable
places like Cataract, Forks of the Credit, Orangeville, and Snelgrove (when the
train was diverted onto the old Caterpillar plant spur near Brampton Brick).
It's been uploaded to Youtube in multiple parts (6, each episode was little
under an hour in length). The CP GP38-2, a CP leased HATX unit, and cars from
the executive fleet including Tuscan Red Horse Express cars are the train
CP Rail logos and designs over the years:
Canadian Pacific Limited Logo Registration Site
Kevin Dunk shot this scene back in 2009. CP AC4400CW 9558 (part of the “Beater Fleet” of 9500’s) is leading a brace of eastbound CP locos, ES44AC 8726 and AC4400CW 9770 and a trailing CP ES44AC in the Cranbrook Yard having arrived off the Moyie Sub amidst some freshly fallen snow. Looking behind the train, you can certainly understand why some crews feel nervous about switching cars in this Cranbrook Yard, that is no illusion of a grade.
CP Vignettes |
Built in February 1939, CPR F1a-class 4-4-4 Jubilee #2927 is seen hauling a westbound passenger train up the slight grade Windsor Station up to the station at Westmount, QC in the 1950’s. Unlike her sisters CPR 2928 and 2929, CPR 2927 was not saved, and was scrapped in June 1957 with less than 20 years' service. Note the wooden CPR baggage car tacked to the rear.
Donald Haskel photographed Canadian Pacific and Canadian National sharing parallel tracks behind the train station in Quebec City. The older high cupola caboose wears CPR Script livery and is standing next to CN 6542 in July 1968.
Warren Mayhew submitted these shots he took of CPR 4-6-4 Hudson # 2816 At Steamtown Vermont in October 1981, and restored and in operation in Montreal, QC in May 2004. The top shot shows #2816 rolling along the CP tracks run at Jean Talon Blvd with the Rockland overpass barely visible in the distant background on May 20th, 2004. The middle shot shows the Empress on the Westmount Sub chuffing upgrade and passing under the Fort Street exit off the Ville Marie Expressway, with downtown in the background. The bottom shot is from Steamtown, Vermont in Oct 1981 after she had been repainted by volunteers. Little did we know at that time that she would run again!
©CRO May 2013