Wayne D. Shaw
photographed ONR 698 led by ONR 1800 southbound at Allensville crossing South
Lancelot Road on 2012/02/24

Our 2nd Place
photo was taken by Phil Ross on March 12, 2012. CN train 406 is at mile 9 on the
Sussex subdivision and heading for Saint John NB. CN2556 and 5787 are breaking
trail after a heavy snowfall overnight. 406 will return to Moncton after
arriving in Saint John. Photo taken with his Nikon D9085mm prime lensF11 @
1/800thISO 200.

Our 3rd Place
photo shows Montreal Maine & Atlantic (MMA) number 2, rolling over Eastman
Bridge, in Quebec’s Eastern Townships in a warm Winter day in late-February

Our 4th
Place photo was taken on February 25th, 2012, at Durham Sud, QC, on the
SL&A Sherbrooke subdivision. The train shown is CN 394, the daily
Montréal-Richmond, QC train. The picture was were taken with his Sony
a33 DSLR.
Congratulations to all of our winners this month!

Let’s see your photos of railway locomotives (or equipment) in fresh paint, and
in early Spring sunshine!
Rules: Photo submissions must have been taken by the contestant and taken no earlier that February 1st, 2012. Include full caption information including the railway, subject, location, date, and pertinent details of interest, like your camera model and setting. A Maximum of 3 entries per contestant.
Deadline for Entries:
April 29th, 2012
Send Your Entries to: photo_contest@canrailvideo.ca
Rob McCormack of Canrail Video will judge the contest entries and announce his choice for winner of the March photo contest by email and in the April 1st Issue of CRO. The winner and runners up will also be posted.
Prizes: Our monthly winner may choose any one DVD from these two Canrail pages (valued up to $30.00). PAGE ONE PAGE TWO |