CN Motive Power News |
The 35 ES44AC’s which will be delivered to Canadian National in early 2013, are to be numbered in the CN 2800 - 2834 series. These GE built locomotives and the EMD SD70ACe’s to come later, will be CN’s first ever AC power.
CN/GMTX SD60 STATUS as of August 1st
CN 5400 (9013) |
CN 5411 (9042) |
CN 54 22 (9058) |
CN 5433 (9079) |
CN 5401 (9020) |
CN 5412 (9043) |
CN 5423 (9060) |
CN 5434 9080) |
CN 5402 (9023) |
CN 5413 (9045) |
CN 5424 (9064) |
CN 5435 (9085) |
CN 5403 (9027) |
CN 5414 (9046) |
CN 5425 (9066) |
CN 5436 (9086) |
CN 5404 (9030) |
CN 5415 (9050) |
CN 5426 (9069) |
CN 5437 (9087) |
CN 5405 (9033) |
CN 5416 (9051) |
CN 5427 (9071) |
CN 5438 (9089) |
CN 5406 (9034) |
CN 5417 (9053) |
CN 5428 (9073) |
CN 5439 (9092) |
CN 5407 (9035) |
CN 5418 (9054) |
CN 5429 (9074) |
CN 5440 (9095) |
CN 5408 (9036) |
CN 5419 (9055) |
CN 5430 (9075) |
CN 5441 (9097) |
CN 5409 (9037) |
CN 5420 (9056) |
CN 5431 (9076) |
CN 5442 (9099) |
CN 5410 (9040) |
CN 5421 (9057) |
CN 5432 (9078) |
Painted and in service:
5407, 5420, 5432, 5433, and 5440.
Painted and out of service: Larger
5431 failed in Halifax, NS (July 26th) and was returned to Montreal.
Newest repaints being shopped in Centralia roundhouse:
5401, 5404, and 5408.
Patched and in service:
5403, 5409, 5417, 5427, and 5436
Patched and out of service:
5410 (Memphis)
5411 (Centralia, in roundhouse prep for paint)
5412 (Centralia)
5413 (Centralia)
5421 (Memphis)
5424 (Centralia)
5425 (Toronto)
5429 (Centralia)
Darren Doss snapped CN SD60 5432 July 6th at the yard in Foulton, KY.
Darren later caught CN 5420 at the Fulton yard on July 17th.
CN 5427 (ex GTMX 9071) was paired with CN 2261 in DPU service on train M342 as they cross School Road near Dale, WI on July 27th. (Kim Kafura photo).
On July 16th George Redmond caught GMTX SD60 9099 at the CN paint shop at Centralia, IL.
The same day at Centralia, George snapped GMTX GP15-2 499 as the 3rd unit on northbound CN train M335, newly released from NRE in Paducah, Kentucky.
Just before press time, George Redmond caught the latest SD60 wearing new paint, CN 5408 at the CN engine facility Centralia, IL on July 28th.
CN SD60 5433 leading the Taylor Line Local in the USA:
CN Locomotives Activated |
On July 6th, Michael Da Costa snapped a pair of reactivated former Alstom grey SD40-3’s on CN A43531 06. The GTW SD40-3's are sole power, and here beginning to throttle up through the serpentine curves and into Paris Jct, Ontario.
CN Units Retired |
CN Units Sold |
The following two units are enroute to Al-Morty in Saudi Arabia: RSIX SD40-3 3010, ex-BNSF 6963, exx-BN 7303, nee-GTW SD40 5915 (via AMF), RSIX SD40-3 3011, ex-BNSF 6962, exx-BN-7302, nee-GTW SD40 5918 (via AMF).
An ethanol company in Birmingham, AL has purchased ex-BNSF SD40-3 6972, exx-BN 7312, nee-CN SD40 5044.
Former IC SD40A-2R 6014 was retired and sold to Indiana Box Car Company (IBCX) in 2009-2010, and has now been sold to the Port of Victoria, Texas and is still numbered 6014.
CN Shop Repairs & Repaints |
Christopher Bodkin caught recently repainted/rebuilt CN SD40-2W 5283 was the second unit on CN M335 leaving DuQuoin, IL on July 7th.
Still in service in GT blue, GTW GP9RB 4620 and CN GP40-2LW 9411 were sitting together in the Du Quoin yard as well.
Chris Gertz caught shot of repainted CN SD40-2(W) 5264 leading through Paris, ON.
George Redmond snapped GP40-2LW 9590, IC GP38-2 9604, GTW GP9RB 4620, and CN E9Au 102 at CN engine facility Centralia, IL July 8th.
At Neenah, WI on July 19th, Henry J. Nye caught CN SD70M-2 8847 riding QTTX 131408 on CN M340 enroute to a US repair shop. It was wrecked back in April 25th on Q112 in British Columbia when it hit a washout.
CN News |
Richard Marchi caught two business cars (CN 1059 and CN theatre car 1060 “Sanford Fleming”) eastbound through Dorval enroute to Montreal, QC July 22nd.
David Maiers snapped a CN Test Train eastbound on the CN Togo Subdivision near Bield, Manitoba on July 11th, with GTW SD40-2 5932 in CNNA paint.
CN ES44DC 2276 and 2289 sport new stickers (approximately 15" x 40" in size) on the sides of the nose, and there will be others done as well by press time (CN SD70M-2 8895 also has the sticker). The stickers read “EcoConnexions” with CN and Earth Day Canada logos beneath. EcoConnexions was a program announced during late May 2012 by CN to help communities across Canada green public properties in partnerership with Tree Canada and Communities in Bloom, SK. CN has started a ExoConnexions From the Ground Up program which seeks applications from communities and organizations for tree planting and other greenification projects. CN's ExoConnexions From the Ground Up program offers grants up to $25000 through its website http://www.cnfromthegroundup.ca to interested communities that meet their criteria. (David Maiers with thanks)
Francois Jolin followed the “America’s Cup Express” train rolling high above the Arrowhead Mountain Lake at Georgia N.Y on the New England Central Railroad and arriving at St. Albans VT. He later caught the train racing toward Montreal at Lacadie, QC in mid-July.
Ben Alain snapped a CN potash hopper, the only cylindrical hopper to ever to wear CN North America logo. CN rolling stock that wore the map was quite rare as only six freight cars got painted CNNA. Ben caught her July 2nd in a siding with a string of 4 compartment round hatch hoppers just west of Biggar, SK.
In the first week of July, CN was changing out all the signals on the line from Perdue, SK to Landis, SK. The photos show removal of the old single target hood signals and putting in the three light signals on the Watrous and Wainwright Sub, between Perdue, Biggar and Landis, SK.
Mark Forseille caught BCOL C40-8Mu 4618 at Port Coquitlam, BC on June 24th.
CN Photos |
On July 11th, James Gardiner snapped CN 580 meandering its way through downtown Brantford, ON with CN GP9RM 4116, and four covered hoppers for Inginia, all under the watchful eye of the crew.
Darren caught CN 5420 at the Fulton yard on L513 July 10th. Behind CN 5420 is Quebec - Gatineau (QGRY) GP35m 2006 destined for repairs at NRE/Paducah.
On July 10th, Darren Doss snapped QGRY GP35m 2006, GMTX geep 499, and with IC SD40-2 6100 in Fulton, KY destined for NRE/Paducah for repairs.
In July, Jim McPherson snapped this refurbished CN gondola with the special Transcona Shop 100-years decal. The gon had been brought empty to Ashcroft to go into the copper ore pool for Highland Valley mine. (via Mike Mastin with thanks)
Michael Da Costa snapped fine looking CN GP38-2 4776 sitting in Aldershot Yard in Burlington, ON July 8th.
On July 7th in the CN yards at Du Quoin, IL, George Redmond snapped CN SD70M-2 8002, CN SD40-2 5373 (with new wheel sets and trucks), BCOL C44-9WL 4650 and C4o-8Mu 4609 leading train M335. George also snapped basic black IC GP40R 3102.
George also caught IC C44-9W 2718 and CN C44-9W 2524 on southbound train A432 at Centralia, IL on July 7th.
IC C40-8W 2461 and 2465 lead southbound train A432 in Centralia, IL, in the CN B yards July 217th (George Redmond).
On July 9th Patrick Taillon snapped CN 394 on its way to Richmond , QC with more than 30 cars of wind tower turbine blades rolling through the St-Basile Le Grand AMT commuter station.
Christopher Bodkin snapped a SB loaded CN grain train passing through Carbondale, IL with CN ES44DC 2328 and SD70M-2 8902 as a mid-train DPU on July 19th. In the first picture it is passing IC GP11 #8701 on display by the old Illinois Central Depot.
CN Vignettes |
In 1968 Terry Jutti shot these CN RDC2’s in Edmonton, AB wearing a test paint scheme for a service named “Railiners” The livery was never adopted, but CN continued to use the term railiners for their Budd Car fleet.
Michael Berry’s Vignette shows CN Turcot Yard from the Angrignon overpass in April 1996, with a ballast train led by CN 3539 (MLW M420W) and CN 3588 (BBD HR412). He wishes he had taken a LOT more pictures back then! Everything train-related in this photo is gone now. The yard is gone and the empty land is being used to dump snow in the winter and dirt in the summer.
In the early 1970’s, Amtrak was thinking of buying a spare UAA-built TURBO TRAIN set or two from the CN, so one set was painted up for them at Pointe St-Charles Shop in Montreal. In 1973, CN freight #228 was crossing over from the eastbound to the westbound and into the yard at Lachine (just east of Taschereau Yard), at the Norman Street overpass. The Turbo, on a test run with an experienced CNR engineer but no passengers, passed an approach and stop signal and sideswiped some cars on the CNR freight entering the yard. The jet fuel on the turbo caught fire and you see the result. (Thanks to Bruce Chapman and photos courtesy Robert Baker Collection).
Today, almost all of CN’s transfer cabooses are now retired, Jim Parker snapped CN 76678 in fresh paint in Toronto back in September 1980. The second photograph is by H.Bentley Crouch and shows the fate of many at the scrap yard Contrecoeur, QC in 1995.
© CRO August 2012