CN Motive Power News |
CN/GMTX SD60 STATUS as of November 1st
CN 5400 (9013) |
CN 5411 (9042) |
CN 5422 (9058) |
CN 5433 (9079) |
CN 5401 (9020) |
CN 5412 (9043) |
CN 5423 (9060) |
CN 5434 9080) |
CN 5402 (9023) |
CN 5413 (9045) |
CN 5424 (9064) |
CN 5435 (9085) |
CN 5403 (9027) |
CN 5414 (9046) |
CN 5425 (9066) |
CN 5436 (9086) |
CN 5404 (9030) |
CN 5415 (9050) |
CN 5426 (9069) |
CN 5437 (9087) |
CN 5405 (9033) |
CN 5416 (9051) |
CN 5427 (9071) |
CN 5438 (9089) |
CN 5406 (9034) |
CN 5417 (9053) |
CN 5428 (9073) |
CN 5439 (9092) |
CN 5407 (9035) |
CN 5418 (9054) |
CN 5429 (9074) |
CN 5440 (9095) |
CN 5408 (9036) |
CN 5419 (9055) |
CN 5430 (9075) |
CN 5441 (9097) |
CN 5409 (9037) |
CN 5420 (9056) |
CN 5431 (9076) |
CN 5442 (9099) |
CN 5410 (9040) |
CN 5421 (9057) |
CN 5432 (9078) |
Painted and in service:
CN 5401, 5402, 5404, 5405, 5406, 5407, 5408, 5412, 5415, 5416 (@ Quality Rail after paint in Centralia), 5420, 5424, 5428 (painted and prepped for display but not released), 5431, 5432, 5433, 5434, 5437, 5439, 5440 and 5442.
Patched and back in service:
5403, 5427
Patched and stored, shopping, or in paint shop:
5409 - at Centralia
5410 - Memphis stored
5411 - Centralia painting
5413 - Centralia stored
5417 - Quality Rail, Madison, IL
5421 - Centralia shopping
5425 - Toronto stored
5429 - Centralia stored
5436 - Centralia shopping
On October 16th, George Redmond snapped recently released CN 5424 on southbound A432 at Irvington, IL (with CN 5424: ES44DC 2248, NREX SD50’s 5988 and 5974).
Mark Mautner snapped the following great shots at Centralia, IL on October 7th:
CN SD60's 5403 in for mechanical and 5412 in for final touch up are seen inside the former IC roundhouse.
CN SD60 5412 (ex-Oakway) in fresh paint at the CN former IC roundhouse.
CN 5413 and 5429 both in patched Oakway paint await a turn for paint and a return to service.
Line-up of seven ex-Oakway SD60's some in GMTX markings some in patch CN markings awaiting their turn in the shop beneath the old IC coal tower.
Stored patched CN SD60 5425 was inside the MacMillan Yard Diesel Shop on September 16th during the CN Family Day's event in Toronto. Over 1,000 of the CN employees friends and family members arrived by the bus load to visit the diesel shop. A wide demographic aged between 6-months old to seniors had a wonderful day learning about the facility, playing games, chatting with CN employees, and enjoying an outdoor BBQ.
Note that “GF-638C” is now being applied to cab on the former Oakway’s and follows after the CN 5500-series class.
George Redmond bagged GMTX 9013, 9046, 9054 and 9060 lined up for shopping and repaint on October 21st.
CN Units Sold or Retired |
GCFX SD40-3 6911 was sold to the Dakota Minnesota and Western in October 2012.
CN GP9RM 7210 was retired in September 2012.
CN GP9RM's 4118, 4119, and 7061 sold in the Auction Sale have been re-lettered CCGX (Cando Contracting LTD).Sold at the August-September CN Auction Sale
CN Yard Slug 219 (Unmovable)
CN Yard Slug 241 (Unmovable)
CN Yard Slug 269 (Unmovable)
CN Yard Slug 272 (Unmovable)
CN SW1200RS 1375
IC SW14 1501
CN SW1200RSu 7316
CN GP9RM 4023 (Unmovable)
CN GP9RM 4118
CN GP9RM 4119
CN GP9RM 7007
CN GP9RM 7010
CN GP9RM 7018
CN GP9RM 7041
CN GP9RM 7045 (Unmovable)
CN GP9RM 7061
CN GP9RM 7070 (Unmovable)
CN GP9RM 7216
CN GP9RM 7218 (Unmovable)
CN GP9RM 7249
CN GP9RM 7259 (Unmovable)
BCOL B39-8E 1700
BCOL B39-8E 3901-3910 (inclusive) Note: BCOL 3011 was damaged one year ago and was scrapped at Price George, BC)
BCOL 1700 and BCOL B39-8E (1700, and 3901-3911 inclusive), were all retired back in 2011, and stored in the former IC yard at Centralia, IL. George Redmond bagged stored BCOL B39-8E 1700 in Whistler Northwind paint.
Mark Mautner clicked the stored BCOL B39-8E units on September 30th. These GE locomotives were sold in the September CN Auction Sale and we will update our readers on the buyer when they begin to move.
CN SW1200RSu 7316 is listed as retired back in 2003 and sent to Canac. It is now for sale as a parts source.
CN Shop Repairs & Repaints |
On October 12th, IC GP40-2R 3117 was in fresh CN paint at the engine facility in Centralia, IL .
George Redmond snapped IC GP40-2R 3102 and CN E9Au 102 at the CN engine facility October 6th. A rumor suggests CN 102 (ex-BN, nee-CB&Q) is at Centralia to be repainted into CNR classic 1950’s green, black and gold paint.
Freshly painted CN GP38-2 4715 was clicked at the CN engine facility Centralia, IL October 21st.
Ken Lanovich snapped CN GP40-2LW 9626 in Markham Yard September 26th back in service after repairs and repaint. Note she sports a new KSHL horn cluster (placed above the rear fans), the same type currently used on the CN GE’s.
WC SW1500 1569 was returned to service after repairs and photographed by Ken at Markham Yard in late September while in transit to her new assignment at the CN yard in Mobile, AL.
At the Woodcrest Shop in late October, the long hood from CN hump GP38-2 7500, was noted outside on a flat car.
Freshly overhauled and repainted IC GP40 3137 was snapped at Woodcrest Shop October 18, 2012.
Jesse Acorn caught CN GP40-2LW 9411, an old girl in new paint heading North October 27th on the Westlock Sub in Alberta.
CN News |
More used locomotives coming: CN will soon be receiving 42 C40-8’s numbered 2000-2041, and are lettered CREX 9023-9064 and are ex-UP same numbers nee-CNW 8501-8542. This is the second group of ex-UP nee-CNW Dash 8’s that CN has purchased.
New locomotives coming:
CN’s 30 new SD70ACe’s will be numbered 8100-8129. These will be the first CN General Motors built AC locomotives which are expected early next year. On October 26th, GE tested brand new CN 2801 at the plant in Erie, PA. Afterwards, it was parked with other new units earmarked to South Africa’s Trnsnet.
LNG Locomotive Testing: Sporting SD45-like flared radiators, Canadian National’s Liquefied Natural Gas test units (CN SD40-2W 5258 and 5261) departed for Edmonton August 30th. CN did this conversion of these older SD40-2W locomotives as a test, because natural gas prices are lower and even more stringent emissions rules will come in 2015. CN is using a leased Union Pacific-owned LNG tank car (CNW-1 is in Umler) to provide fuel to the two locomotives for the initial testing. UP attempted a LNG program in the early 1990s, but no locomotives were ever placed into service with the LNG tank cars that UP purchased for the testing. The two locomotives and LNG tank car are now operating in captive service between Walker Yard in Edmonton and Lynton, 1.1 miles south of Fort McMurry. AB.
More photos and info can be found here: http://www.okthepk.ca/news/2012090701.htm
History of Natural Gas testing by BN and UP and other information on LPG:
CN has announced a revamped and revitalized employee training program that it said will be anchored by two modern training centers to be built in Winnipeg, Man., and in suburban Chicago, IL. “These facilities will be the centerpiece of CN’s enhanced railroader training program,” said Claude Mongeau, CN president and chief executive officer. “The centers in both Canada and the United States will include a modern training curriculum and equipment to effectively train a new generation of railroaders.” The announcement coincided with the groundbreaking for the Winnipeg center. Labor leaders joined special guests Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger, Transcona Member of Parliament Lawrence Toet, Winnipeg Mayor Sam Katz, and other provincial and local officials, in Transcona, home of CN’s main Canadian heavy repair shops. CN will begin construction next year on a similar training center adjacent to the Woodcrest Mechanical Shop, in Homewood, IL. The 100,000-square-foot facility in Winnipeg will host 250 to 300 employees a week. In the U.S., the approximately 75,000-square-foot center will have 100 to 125 employees a week. New hires and existing employees working jobs ranging from conductor to locomotive mechanic, and from track supervisor to signal maintainer, will receive state-of-the art training at the centers. Over the past four years, CN has hired thousands of new railroaders as long-service employees retire and leave the company. Workforce renewal is a major priority for CN and will be in the coming years.
Ex-WC fleet Update:
All of the remaining WC GP40’s on the CN roster were retired June 15th, 2012.
Below are current updates of the WC GP40’s:
3000 Retired sometime after 6-15-2012, and had been stored at Markham.
3001 was renumbered to 3021, ("From what I recall, WC 3001 was renumbered because some of the GP40's had two slightly different load tester circuits: 3001 had the circuit that fit into the higher numbered units. I believe the dividing line was close to 3014, as I shot WC 3001 back on March 15th 1995, and 3021 in fresh paint on April 19th, 1995.” (via Carl Whittaker) . If memory serves, it was rebuilt as 3001 in Fond du Lac and sent to Stevens Point where it was painted as 3021. I think this was the case with 3008/3018 as well. The other CSX GP40 was rebuilt as 3010 and stayed that way. Our thanks to Martin Baumann and Dan Blink)
3002 sent to VMV-NRE Paducah 9-14-2012 Returned to lessor.
3003 Retired in 2007 (Sold to Mexico)
3004 sent to VMV-NRE Paducah 9-14-2012 Returned to lessor.
3005 Retired in 2007
3006 stored Markham, IL
3007 stored Symington, Winnipeg MB.
3008 was
renumbered to WC 3018
3009 stored Markham, IL
3010 stored Markham, IL
3011 stored Markham, IL
3012 Retired sometime after 6-15-2012, and had been stored at Markham.
3013 Never used this number
3014 Retired sometime after 6-15-2012, and had been stored at Markham.
3015 Retired pre-2001
3016 Never used this number
3017 sent to VMV-NRE Paducah 9-14-2012 Returned to lessor.
3018 Was the last to be active on the CN roster (Renumbered from WC 3008)
3019 Never used this number
3020 Never used this number
3021 stored Markham, IL (Renumbered from WC 3001)
3022 stored Markham, IL
3023 stored Markham, IL
3024 stored Markham, IL
3025 Retired in 2007 sold to (Broadway motors.)
Ken Lanovich snapped retired WC GP40’s 3007, 3009, and 3024 lined up at the Woodcrest Shop on October 18th.
With WC GP40-2R 3027 arriving in Chicago last month, only one GP40-2R (WC 3026) remains in service around Edmonton. Jesse Acorn snapped WC GP40-2R 3026 on October 7th.
CN Photos |
On October 4th in Huntsville Ontario, Today's 595, is a "one car wonder" returning from Longford Mills, and passing the colorful fall foliage that makes the Muskoka area a magnet for tourists from all over the world at this time of year. Too bad with no Northlander now, we no longer have a passenger train to bring them here now. (Wayne D. Shaw).
On October 6th, Ron Visockis snapped CN C40-8 2105 heading W-B at Belleville, ON.
Christopher Bodkin snapped the last units to be built at EMD in London, ON: KCS SD70ACe's 4136, 4133, 4130, 4131, and 4135 sit in the Du Quoin, IL yard awaiting their trip to East Saint Louis on CN train L546 later that night on October 2nd.
Chris also bagged EJ&E GP38-2 #703 returning to Centralia, IL solo out of Du Quoin on October 2nd.
CN colour variety: EJE GP38-2 703, IC GP40-2R 3102 at rest at the Centralia Shop.
Douglas Leffler bagged ADBF 4043, ex-CV caboose on a CN train in Michigan during October. The van is owned by the Adrian & Blissfield Railroad (ADBF) a shortline that operates from Adrian to Blissfield in Michigan.
On October 4th, George Redmond CN C44-9W 2554 and SD75I 5669 on SB train A432 and BNSF ES44AC on a NB coal empty at Centralia, IL.
Christopher Bodkin snapped Train A432 had IC C40-8W 2456, CN GP40-2LW 9455 and SD75I #5721 at Carbondale, IL on October 10th with IC Scale Test Car 100119 the third car from the head end.
CN train L536 is eastbound on the former EJ&E coming into Chicago Heights, IL on September 23rd. The train is headed to Kirk yard, Gary IN, where CN SD40u 6008 is now assigned to hump service.
Jesse Acorn snapped southbound 418 on October 8th on the CN Westlock Sub in Edmonton, near Dunvegan Jct. The consist was two SD60F units, is lead by 5540, interesting because it has no noodle on the nose.
On October 14th Jesse Acorn snapped shots of the LNG units at the diesel Shop in Edmonton.
CN GP38-2 Hump unit 7514 was in this switching consist contrasting
with CN SD6oF 5540 above which had no nose noodle, and 7514 with a
particularly large one on the nose.
CN SD40-2W 5243 awaiting repairs in Edmonton, note the top of its cab is bashed in.
The orange painted GE switcher is a GE 80-ton that had been used at Alta Steel (Formerly Stelco) in Edmonton several years ago, and since August 2008 stored at the plant on the Camrose Sub. It is currently at the CN Walker Yard Diesel Shop in Edmonton stored SUS and is owned by the Alberta Railway Museum, which is north east of Edmonton. Note the exposed white brake line used when it was transported as “CRLX 2101” to the Edmonton shop.
Graham Wood snapped a few shots at Walker Shop in mid-October (except of course 1063 which I took at North Regina yard in 1981). CN GMD1u 1421 is seen undergoing a truck changeout. Outside in diesel storage are GMD1u's 1406 and 1407 with B/O main generators along with SW1200RS 1379, SW1200RSu 7304 and GP-9RM's 7051 and 7235. The 1379 was on a long term lease to Eurocan in Kitimat, BC. and they did some unauthorized modifications to it like welding stanchions and chains to the top of the carbody. The ore car shot was taken at Sioux Lookout in 1985 when CN ran ore trains between Bruce Lake and Thunder Bay.
The Walker Yard dead line includes CN GP38-2 4766 which has been stored here for over 12-months. Other units are CN SW1200RS 1379, 7205 and 7235 slowly losing their parts and coupled to CN 4766 were CN SD40-2W’s 5341 and 5343.
Ron Visockis photographed all three CN F40PHR’s 104, 105 and 106 leading the Agawa Canyon Train Sept 26th 2012. CN 104 is ex-SKTX 242, nee-AMTK 242, CN 105 is ex-SKTX 283, nee-AMTK 283, and CN 106 is ex-SKTX 289, nee-AMTK 289.
CN Vignettes |
CNR S-1-c 2-8-2 #3323 is seen steaming into Winnipeg , MB with train #19 in August 1951. (George Harris Photographer, Mark Perry Collection).
CNR Class T-2-a 2-10-2 # 4100 at the Spadina Shop in Toronto, and restored CNR 4-4-0 #40 sits at Belleville, ON next to freshly painted CNR RS10 3807 in June 1964. (Jim Parker)
Claude Prutton photographed the CN Super Continental dashing along the Yellowhead Pass in British Columbia on July 11th, 1976.
©CRO November 2012